The label MOLOKO+
was founded in 1996 upon the release of the CD The Making Ov Rakija by Badphish.

The German Label with some fine Industrial, IDM and Ambient music is going through a metamorphosis into a publishing house with print and audio releases …




Gerhard Köpf: Der Mohrenapotheker
Book 270

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Sysak & Vladar: Broca 44
Book 267

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Søren R. Fauth: das ist die aRt
wie die blätter fallen

Book 260

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Préavis: bientôt dans ce théâtre

Herbst In Peking / Alien Levi / !The Same: Welt Der Wunder

Plus 166

Dub Rework Deconstruction

Michael Bulgrin: Lache, Burg im Nil
Book 266

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Pètrus Akkordéon: Träume
Book 256

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Ingolf Brökel: Ort&Graphie
Book 257

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Skagerrak: Mohnschlangen
Plus 157

TONE AVENTROUP  poetry & voice

REX JOSWIG  sound & voice

with special guest:
!The Same / King Snow / Bernd Jestram

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